Drug addiction is a lifelong tragedy.

03.06.2019, 15:30 Institute news, News 2416

Department of physics, mathematics and information technologies of Tashkent pharmaceutical Institute within the “Day of the Department” held a conversation on Drug addiction-life tragedy”. During the meeting, students were asked about the causes of drug addiction, as well as how it can lead to death.

In particular, drug addiction is currently one of the problems that pose a serious threat to human life, undermine its sanctity and inevitability. Currently, experts of Western and Eastern medicine unanimously confirm that drug addiction harms a person in all respects. It is proved that consumers of these substances suffer from dozens of incurable diseases, premature death, the birth of children with mental disorders. It is many times more than the suicide of a man. In order to prevent the spread of drug addiction and its use, especially among young people, the UN has established an international Board to combat drug addiction and crime. According to the data published annually by this Board, the number of drug addiction and related crimes in the world is growing every year. Therefore, a unified program for the prevention and control of drug addiction and treatment of drug addicts has been developed and is being implemented.

The wise policy of our state is aimed at being an exemplary society characterized by comprehensive, healthy, noble qualities, high thinking and spirituality, social activity of civil society. On the basis of this people’s political policy, our state is consistently combating all types of drug addiction. The consequences of drug addiction, known in the world as the “Plague of the century”, harm to human health and its sad consequences are widely covered and explained through the media. In the current situation, the fight against alcoholism, drug addiction and poverty is one of the most important and urgent tasks of mankind. It was noted that each of us should not stand aside from this work, regularly conduct explanatory work among young people about the dangers and consequences of these habits, regularly promote their pure way of life, morality.

Press Secretary of the Institute N.L.Usmanova