Teachers of the Department of standardization of medicines and Quality Management, toxicology chemistry, organic and Biological Chemistry visited the House of World War II participant Evgeny Leontevich

07.05.2019, 17:18 News 2249

On May 6, 2019 year, employees of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute of the Department of Toxicological, Organic and Biological Chemistry, as well as Standardization and Quality Management of Drugs visited a participant in the Second World War, Yevgeny Leontevich Gadetsky, who lives at: Mirabad district, Mahalla A. Fitrat, steet. Talimarjon 22/1/7 flat, born in 1924. They were met by the chairman of the mahalla council M.H.Abidov. Food gifts were presented to the participant. Employees of the Institute expressed their gratitude for the attention.



Department of drug standardization and Quality Management