“Book stock»

04.05.2019, 12:14 News 2193

In order to ensure the implementation of the resolution of the video conference № 12 dated March 19, 2019 under the leadership of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan ”On the implementation of 5 important initiatives to increase interest in culture, art, sports, information technology, reading books in the effective organization of work with young people ” and the letter of the Ministry of health of the Republic of Uzbekistan № 8-8-8/534 dated April 23, 2019, may 3, 2019 by the leadership of the Tashkent pharmaceutical Institute, youth work the Department of spirituality and enlightenment N.X.Ashurova and responsible for the spiritual teacher of the Department of pharmacognosy Atamuradova Nafisa, assistant Professor Khudayarova Sahiba visited secondary school № 86 of Yunusabad district, where he acquainted the students with different artworks. At the same time, in order to attract readers to reading, they organized a round table with them. It is worth noting that the leadership of our Institute also visited schools № 254 of Shaykhontohur district, № 274 of Yunusabad district, № 61 of Yashnabad district and contributed to the “Book challenge”.

“Book stock”, bringing joy to children, continues in all regions of our Republic.

It is noteworthy that this initiative enriches thousands of libraries of educational institutions with literature, increasing the interest of the younger generation in Uzbek and world literature.


Press secretary of institute N.L.Usmanova