XIII International Conference of internet and information library resources in Science, Education, Culture and business was held in Urgench District of Khorezm region on 24, 25, 26 April

30.04.2019, 13:08 News 2257

From Pervyy to the conference and the “Center for Dehovnosti i prosveshcheniya” Urgenchskogo region.V konferentsii prinyal uchastie gubernator Khorezma Farhad Ermatov,Начальник управления информации и общественных связей Administratsii Президента Республики Узбекистан В. С. Hamidov,Director of the Natsionalnoy biblioteki im. Alisher Navoi Umida Teshaboeva,Latvii Andris Vilks, director of the Natsionalnoy bibliothek,Merris Sumrall, the timeless director of the Bibliotheque in the USABelarusi Roman Matulsky, director of the Natsionalnoy bibliography,Latvii Andris Vilks, director of the Natsionalnoy bibliothek,Marat Rakhmatullaev, professor of Tashkentskogo University of Information Technologies, Turtsii, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Russia and Belarus. The conference is organized by the interdisciplinary team of experts in the field of innovation and technology. The technology of technology and bibliotechnics is a modern technology. It looks like it does not work, and it does not work. Using modern information technology, it is widely used to transfer industrial books to electronic books and to include digital books in the database. software of the mobile device, placement of QR codes and electronic libraries in special tables, in the airport halls of Vijana, subways and buses to read have the ability to quickly read books and download electronic copies, using the possibilities of modern mobile guest lounges. The international conference was held at a high level.