The report Of visiting teachers of the department of Organic and Biological Chemistry at School No. 274 of the Yunusabad District

29.04.2019, 12:52 Institute news, News 2426

To fulfill the order of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan the Resolution No. 3018 Resolution March 29, 2018 and the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated October 15, 2018 to fulfill the letter of inquiry No. 09-2520 on April 25, 2019 Kucharov I.Sh senior teacher of the Department of Organic and Biological Chemistry. visited school number 274 Yunusabad district. During the visit, 7th grade students and school teachers had a conversation with Kucharova I.Sh. She made a presentation on the topic: “Formation of a healthy environment in the family”, where the questions for creating a healthy environment in the family were reflected. It was noted that a healthy environment in the family plays an important role in the development of the life of the child and his personality. To create a healthy atmosphere in the family, an important role is played by makhallia, society and the country in which this family lives. The hot conversation was held with great a interest and students received answers to their questions.



Department of Organic and Biological Chemistry