Department of Industrial Technology of Drugs by professors and teachers at the Students’ House “Day of the Department” was held

26.04.2019, 18:18 Institute news, News 2125

On April 25, 2019, teachers of the Department of DVST have organized workshops on the Day of the Department in the Student House. The event was attended by all professors and teachers of the department headed by the head of the department, Professor Khaydarov V.R. During the week they were acquainted with the living conditions of students in the 101-108-bedroom 3-floor apartment attached to this chair at the student dormitory, and they were introduced to the principles of compliance with the rules of the institute, good morals, held talks about preservation, preservation and protection of the institute’s culture. In order to raise their national moral education as a spiritual and educational topic of the department, the Department held a meeting with students on the theme “Justice Pillar of the Great Empire” on the occasion of the birth of our great ancestor Amir Temur.

The statehood, spirituality of Amir Temur and the Temurids’ epoch occupy a special place in the history of our people, with its potential, content, educational power and influence.

The main historical sources of Amir Temur’s life and activities are so diverse and diverse that this is his name, his unique role in world history, and his great popularity. Amir Temur left a profound impetus in history as a promoter of good relations between diplomats and states, as well as promoting trade and economic relations. He has done extensive work to strengthen ties between Europe and Asia. Sahibkiran has established relations with various countries of the world: China, India, and France, England, as well as the Ottoman Empire, Spain, Italy, Egypt and other countries.

Amir Temur was known as a patron of culture, art, craftsmanship. Having opened its doors for cultural development and the development of Turkic language by its policy, it has left an indelible mark not only in the cultural and spiritual world of Central Asia but also in the history of the Muslim world and has had a great impact on its recent development.

The legendary military, historian and expert can rightly admit that the great leader, the founder of a powerful and centralized state, Sahibqiron Amir Temur made a significant contribution to the development of world military art.

As the historian Ibn Arabshah writes, “Amir Temur was close to the sincere, the noble and the noble and the noble and the noble. He respected the scholar and the pious, and regarded them as anybody before him.

He put each one in his own order, giving him honor and respect. “Amir Temur, the great poet, is characterized by the fact that he possesses bright qualities, his memory is sharp, bold and stubborn, possessed by a bounty, superhuman spirit.

Amir Temur’s vision of the role and place of Asia in general, in the history of the world, is worth mentioning: Amir Temur has set up all civilized forces to liberate Central Asia from the Mongol Empire and fight them for independence, is a leader who has made a great contribution to the realization of the hopes and hopes of the indigenous people. In recent years a number of sources and books have been published devoted to the study of Amir Temur and his epoch.

During the event, the students gained a lot of knowledge about the rich heritage of Amir Temur.

Head of chair DVST, prof.                                        V.R.Haydarov

Responsible in the Student House                          Z.Х.Zufarova