Visiting students of the school number 274 Yunusabad district Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute.

04.04.2019, 15:26 Institute news, News 3666

Providing the Resolutions No. 3018 of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan of March 29, 2018 and the letter of Advisor to the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 09-2520 of October 15, 2018 at the invitation of the Department of Organic and Biological Chemistry on March 29, 2019 under the guidance of teachers Salikhova N. and Hamidova Z. Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute was visited by pupils of the 9th grade of school No. 274 of the Yunusabad district. During their visit, the students visited the museum of the Institute and the Department of Organic and Biological Chemistry, Standardization and Quality Management of Medicines, Technology of Medicines. During a visit to the department of organic and biological chemistry, the head of the department A. Karimov together with the teachers of department told about directions of the institute, familiarized with the rules of admission to the institute, as well as about the importance of the subject matter of chemistry at admission. In the museum of the Institute, students learned about the history of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute.

Pupils of the school also visited the academic lyceum of the institute. Deputy director of the Lyceum for spiritual and educational work Z.M. Iralieva acquainted students with the rules of admission to the Lyceum, the conditions of training and requirements in the Lyceum.








Department of organic and biological chemistry.