Gifted students of our Institute

03.04.2019, 11:41 Institute news, News 2019

Young people are the most important resource that can make changes in the future of each country, in society, to realize the idea of creation. Today our country has a lot of amenities, conditions for young people. On April 2, 2019, talented students of Tashkent pharmaceutical Institute took part in the program “Yangi kun” of Yoshlar TV channel to show their talents once again. A student of the group 501-a 5th course of the Tashkent pharmaceutical Institute, the owner of the scholarship ”Ibn Sino“ Shahodat Fayzullayeva told about the methods of preparation of choleretic collection which includes the fruits of rosa canina, helycrisum arenarium, stelia cum stigmatae.

Also, a student of the faculty of Pharmacy of the 5th cours of the Tashkent pharmaceutical Institute, the owner of the state scholarship named after Islam Karimov, Abdukhalikova Nargiza showed how to prepare a useful collection of cinnamon and honey for immunity.