Otherwise Majidov presented a collection of books to the physics and mathematics boarding school, where studied himself.

28.03.2019, 08:31 Institute news, News 2129

The Minister of higher and secondary special education of Different Majidov gave collection of his personal library of recently published books to the academic Lyceum at the National University of Uzbekistan named by Sirojiddinov.

The Minister spoke warmly with the students at his school and told them about the role of the book in the spiritual development of a person, based on his life experience, that the reader, who is friends with the book, will not go on a bad path.

In addition, Inom Majidov invited readers in their spare time to get acquainted with rare works of Uzbek and world literature presented to them.

In this charity event initiated by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, the intelligent persons of higher education system takes an active part as an advanced layer of society. Rectors, Vice-rectors, heads of departments and teachers of higher educational instituts are directly involved in the promotion of reading with a personal example.


Press Secretary of the Institute N.L.Usmanova