In Tashkent pharmaceutical Institute held a press-conference with the participation of media representatives on the topic: “The Works carried out in the Tashkent pharmaceutical Institute for the training of qualified personnel»

26.03.2019, 17:00 Institute news, News 2147

The health sector is directly related to the life of every person. Therefore, in recent years, a number of important documents on reforming the system have been adopted, special attention is paid to their implementation. In the pharmaceutical sector, a lot of work is also being done to ensure the implementation of the resolutions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 14, 2018 № PP-3532 “On additional measures for the accelerated development of the pharmaceutical industry”, 2017 № PP-3137 “On additional measures to improve the system of providing the population with medicines and medical products”. In particular, in order to provide information on the work done and ensure the implementation of the order of the Ministry of higher and secondary special education № 137 dated February 9, 2019 in Tashkent pharmaceutical Institute on March 26, 2019 in 1400 was organized a press conference. At the conference, the rector of the Institute I. I. Alimdjanov presented information to the media on the topic “The works carried out at the Tashkent pharmaceutical Institute for the training of qualified personnel”.

– In Tashkent pharmaceutical Institute the number of departments is made according to the state programs developed at the international level, proceeding from specifics of the taught disciplines and is brought from 14 to 18, on the basis of experience of the advanced foreign higher educational institutions, requirements of consumers curricula, programs and qualification requirements in each direction of education are developed, curricula, training programs and qualification requirements, positive reviews of curricula of educational institutions of Russia, Korea are developed.

– The number of signed memorandums of cooperation in the field of science in the Tashkent pharmaceutical Institute has reached 33.  On October 19, 2018, within the framework of the rectors ‘ forum, Narkevich Igor Anatolyevich, rector of the St. Petersburg state University of chemistry and pharmacy, visited the Tashkent pharmaceutical Institute, and a Memorandum of cooperation was created.  And on November 19, 2018, in connection with the visit of the rector of the Tashkent pharmaceutical Institute I. I. Alimdjanov to the St. Petersburg state University of chemical and pharmaceutical-the Memorandum was signed.  According to the agreement, on a monthly basis on the basis of the plan, online lectures are held between the teaching staff of the St. Petersburg state University of chemical and pharmaceutical Sciences and the teaching staff and students of the Tashkent pharmaceutical Institute, 4 teachers from TashFarmI  are directed to improve their skills at the St. Petersburg University of chemical and pharmacy.  Along with this, international memorandums were signed with many other countries, in the 2018-2019 academic year 2 teachers from “El-YURT UMIDI” scholarship holders were sent for training in the UK, 4 teachers-for advanced training under the ITEC program, 7 teachers-for training in China. 15 professors and teachers took part in scientific conferences, seminars and forums. Also, 8 foreign professors and teachers held lectures at the Tashkent pharmaceutical Institute. In the 2018-2019 academic year, 8 foreign delegations visited our Institute.

-Many spiritual and educational events and round tables were held at the Tashkent pharmaceutical Institute.

Also the rector of the Institute I. I. Alimjanov gave a lot of informations. The event was attended by the teachers and students of the Institute. They turned to the rector of the Tashkent pharmaceutical Institute with their questions and received satisfactory answers.

In a press-conference attended by correspondents of UZA, channels “Yoshlar”, ”Madaniyat”, correspondents of Radio “Mahalla” and “Yoshlar” and the newspaper “Xalq So’zi”.








Press Secretary of the Institute N. L.Usmanova