At the Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy, in the presence of teachers, I, II, III rounds of the first stage of the Republican Pharmacology Olympiad were held

20.03.2019, 16:50 Institute news, News 2363

On the basis of PD-2909 from 04/20/2017 “On measures for further development of the higher education system”, РD-3532 of February 14, “On additional measures to accelerate the development of the pharmaceutical industry”, and PD-3151 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of April 20, 2017, PD-2909 “On measures for further development higher education system ”, as well as PD-2956“ On measures for further reforming the medical education system in the Republic of Uzbekistan ”at the Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy, the first stage of the Republican Olympiad in Pharmacology was held.

March 16, 2019 at the Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy in the presence of teachers I, II, III rounds of the first stage of the Republican Olympiad in Pharmacology were held. Students were assessed by the results of written assignments, testing, tests and written work on the recipe.


Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy