“Navruz in my country”

19.03.2019, 15:47 Institute news, News 2566

In our country, with all its warmth and beauty, spring has come. This charming season that begins with rejuvenation and renewal of nature is more pleasant, attractive and close to our heart with unique holidays. After all, an independent and prosperous country to face the holidays. A striking confirmation of this is that in our country the holiday Navruz is widely celebrated. Navruz, which embodies such noble ideas as love and respect for mother nature, human recognition, love and loyalty to the Motherland is the oldest, most original national holiday of our people. In the years of independence, Navruz, which expresses the noble aspirations of our people for centuries, acquired a new meaning and literally turned into a national holiday. Navruz plays a special role in social life. Navruz is a day in which day and night are equalized and begins the awakening of nature, it is closely connected with the rich spiritual heritage of our people. And the fact that this national holiday has a history of more than three thousand years, causes in our soul a feeling of infinite pride, as the peoples of the East occupy an important place in world civilization. One of the aspects that determine the social significance of Navruz is the provision of care and love to lonely people and persons with disabilities in the days of a bright holiday, embodying only the ideas of good and humanism, tolerance and humanism. The Tashkent pharmaceutical Institute also carried out pre-holiday work on landscaping, gardening, charity. For students held “Navruz sayli”, prepared sumalak. In addition, on March 19, 2019 at 14.00 was organized an event for the staff of the Institute. All managers, pensioners of the Institute, teaching staff, members of the Department, heads of departments and employers were invited to the event. Rector of the Institute Professor I. I. Alimdjanov opened the event with his opening speech and festive congratulations. The event demonstrated stage performances of students of the Institute, as well as holiday greetings. 18 departments were selected winners in various categories and awarded diplomas and valuable gifts from the management of the Institute. Guests who visited the festive table, pleased with the songs, the event was in a great mood.












Press Secretary of the Institute N. L.Usmanova