All of us are responsible for the love and respect for mother nature

19.03.2019, 11:54 Institute news, News 2331

Navruz is the most ancient and original national holiday of our people, embodying such noble ideas as love and respect for mother nature, recognition of man, love and loyalty to the Motherland. Expressing the age-old noble aspirations of our people Navruz acquired a new meaning, literally turned into a national holiday in the years of independence.  Taking into account the invaluable social and spiritual significance of the holiday Navruz, as well as in order to celebrate this holiday at a high level, preparatory work is being carried out. In all parts of the country, regions and organizations, higher educational institutes organized landscaping work, khashar. On March 17, 2019, khashar was organized at the Tashkent pharmaceutical Institute with the participation of executives, faculty, staff and students. In it work on improvement and gardening of the territory of Institute was carried out. At the same time, the classrooms of the Institute were cleaned by students and teachers.








Press Secretary of the Institute N.L.Usmanova