“Book Fair”

11.03.2019, 16:38 Institute news, News 2638

The book compares the wings of the human mind. After all, the mind, a wide range of areas of thought, is the real wealth of society. On the contrary, the roots of some unpleasant life experiences are the bitter fruit of ignorance and ignorance. Just as iron shakes a person, it also destroys the spirit of ignorance. Spirituality is transmitted through reading a book to a person.

Any innovation one day. However, books that accumulate the intellectual and intellectual gems of humanity that have been accumulated over thousands of years will never become obsolete. Therefore, the book has always been a source of knowledge and enlightenment. Today, there are no more effective tools for educating the younger generation in the spirit of national values. On March 11, 2019 a book fair was organized at the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute. A collection of books of various types was presented at the fair, and students acquired new favorite works of art.