Masters of  Art Teaching English as a Second Language  (TESL) program of the Webster University School of Education in Uzbekistan

03.08.2018, 12:56 Institute news, News 4004

Dekiding to continue your education, or advancing in yor career.

Today we are excited to announce a new Master of Arts in Teaching as a Second Language a program of the Webster University School of Education in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, on the compus of  Uzbekistan,  State University of World  Language.

This program is unique in the Central Asia  that  allows candidates to develop a solid theoretical background in critical aspects such as culture, language structure, first and second language acquisition theory, curriculum and materials development, teaching methodology, assessment and research, while preparing students to become effective language teachers.

All aligible undergraduate students from Uzbekistan and Central Asia are welcomed to apply for the program.

Admission period to the masters degree program at Webster University is August 1-20, 2018.

The following documents should be prepared to submit:

  • Bachelros diploma indicating all undergraduate courses and their transcripts in English
  • English proficiency results from either a TOEFL (575 or heigher TOEFL paper based test, 230-computer based test or 89 on internet based test ), IELTS – 6.0 test or  PEARSON test  Score 53 or higher
  • Photocopy of passport or ID
  • Curriculum Vitae

Hard copy of documents should be submitted to the International Relations department  at  USUWL or electronic version of documents can be sent to the given e-mail address.

Recruited 100 academically qualified  students will begin the program in September  2018.

The program   will be run  by the  University  of   Webster   and highly qualifies local  teachers.

Webster University  grants the degree of the  Master of Arts in  Teaching English as  a  Second  Language upon  successful  completion the course.

Contact information:

Uzbekiston state  University  of  word  Language,  International Relations  Department

Adress: 21 Kichik halqa yoli str.,  Tashkent , 100138 (USUWL)

Tel: (+998971) 2301289; +99890 9181173; +998909511942.

e-mail: Webster