Educational and practical base “Chimyon”

There is a training and health improvement camp “Chimyon” in Bostanlyk district of Tashkent region. It is located at an altitude of 2500 meters above sea level and 120 km from the capital. It is characterized by its beautiful nature, located in the heart of the purple mountains.

The educational institution has been working since the 1970s. This facility is an excellent natural resource for students of the Institute studying medicinal plants. Students practice their theoretical knowledge in the field of botany and pharmacognosy under the guidance of the faculty. In the center of training and rest “Chimen” about 200 teachers and employees annually have a rest and restore health. In 2014-2015, a lot of work was carried out on the construction and improvement of the sanatorium. The existing buildings have been renovated and the building 1 has modern facilities, kitchens and toilets. All living quarters and carriages were supplied with water and electricity, and small cabins were installed in front of the carriages, and their surroundings were equipped. A sports ground was organized to help students organize their leisure time. For planting and gardening were planted 100 Apple seedlings, 100 walnut seedlings and 100 species of ornamental plants.

The practice of training future pharmacists is of great importance. Studies of pharmacognosy and botany are conducted on the basis of educational practice of Chimgan Institute, Botanical garden of the Botanical garden of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan and the experimental area of plant growing.

At the “Chimyon” educational-practical base, students study the processes such as harvesting, drying, preparation of raw materials, processing raw materials at the institute’s laboratories, removing the active ingredients of drugs, as well as research works. At the same time, our students have the opportunity to practice their summer internship in Russia, Kyrgyzstan, and Kazakhstan.


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