An open lecture will be held at the Department of Technology of Medicinal Forms

31.10.2020, 12:51 Announcements 2047

02.11.2020 at 10.00 o’clock on the ZOOM platform for 3rd year students 311 a and 311 b (euro stream) of the Faculty of Industrial Pharmacy on the subject “Aromology and phytocosmetics” an open lecture by Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Medicine N.S. Fayzullaeva will take place on the topic substances in the composition of cosmetics. The concept of aromas. Types of odors. The principles of composing aroma compositions ”. Everyone is welcome.

Link to video conference:

Nodira Fayzullaeva приглашает вас на запланированную конференцию: Zoom.

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Идентификатор конференции: 769 2224 9704
Код доступа: 0y7TF3 Nodira Fayzullaeva приглашает вас на запланированную конференцию: Zoom.

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Department of Technology of Dosage Forms