Pharmaceutical Museum

Burnaev Shamil Nazimovich

Academic degree and title:


Museum director

Time of receipt:

Every day (9: 00-17: 00)




Museum of History named after Abu Ali Ibn Sina of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical institute.

“Museum of History named after Abu Ali Ibn Sina of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical institute ” was taken on the account by Ministry of Culture and Sport on April 20, 2011 under № 01-11-09-120), previously called the Tashkent pharmaceutical museum. It was formed On October 17, 2007, and in 2009 was renovated and equipped (new exhibits kindly donated by teachers, professors and administration). Earlier this museum in Uzbekistan was at the Main Pharmacy Department of the Ministry of Health of Uzbekistan in building of  pharmacy № 150  and was dedicated to the millennium of Ibn Sina, which was celebrated in 1980 and was called the “Museum Exhibition: Pharmacy Development in Uzbekistan”. Its first director was Igor Lvovich Sutskever. “The idea of creating a pharmaceutical pharmacy museum at the Main Department of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan was prompted by the approaching 1000th anniversary of Avicenna’s birth. The museum was also planned at the same time as a permanent exhibition, where it was supposed to exhibit domestic and imported drugs.

The first exposition of the museum-exhibition of UzSAPU organized in the building of the Central Pharmacy of Tashkent. It includes the “Ancient Period”; a separate hall dedicated to the 1000th anniversary of the birth of Avicenna; hall “Milestones of formation”; three rooms united with general title: “Modern Development”, as well as the room “pharmaceutical plant” and “Pharmaceutical institute “(only 8 rooms). Museum was officially opened on 12 September 1980. (From the guide book). Thanks to the help of Mirzhamol Mirolimov, Zikir Nazirovich Nazirov, Mukhammajan Usubbaev and others the department “Pharmaceutical institute” has been created in the museum.

The museum ceased its activities in 1992 (the last entry of the museum visit is marked February 28, 1992) and its surviving exhibits were moved into the building of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute by M. Mirolimovym as the museum building was taken away. In September 2006, the responsible person for the affairs of the museum was appointed Burnaev Shamil Nazymovich (born in 1963), in not equipped building.

In September 2006, on the basis of a letter from the Ministry of Health, Sh. Burnaev had accepted the post of Clerk (on museum matters). With the help of the Rector A.N. Yunuskhodzhaev and S.N. Burnaev the museum was created at the expense of sponsors and gifts of real professors teachers. The museum was organized with the aim of educating a new young generation of pharmacists. Now, in addition to the surviving artifacts there are a lot of new things in the museum, namely textbooks of teachers-professors  of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, author’s certificates, patents, samples of new pharmaceuticals opened by the institute scientists. In the newly created school the teachers under the direction of M.A. Azizov and others, in the laboratory are opened as samples the chemical elements, sodium compounds, namely cobalt 8; 9; 30; Co-50; feramide tablets; coupir; dekavit; diothylene; ketofer; coamide solution; piracin and others. (This laboratory was opened by the decision of the Ministry of Health in 1974).

Workers of the laboratory received 25 copyright certificates, received patents from the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Russian Federation, and published more than 300 scientific articles.

In addition, the museum has a special stand dedicated to the memory mentors: Doctor of Chemical Sciences Professor Azizov Mannon Azizovich (1913-1987 ), Candidate of  Pharmaceutical Sciences, Assistant-Professor Kadyrov Yakub Kadyrovich (1922-1998); Doctor of Chemical Sciences Professor Murtazaev Asan Murtazayevich (1899-1983); Doctor of Chemical Sciences Professor Rakhmatullaev Khamidulla Zabievich (1947-1994); Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Rakhimov Ali Usmanovich (1903-1998); Candidate of Chemical Sciences Associate Professor Pirmukhamedov Inoy  Mirzaevich (1939-1995); Associate Professor of Medical Sciences Professor Sadritdinov Badriddin Sadriddinovich (1929-1995); Candidate of Chemical Sciences Associate Professor Khudoiberdiyev Egamberdi Khudoyberdievich (1943-1993); Candidate of pharmaceutical sciences,  Associate-Professor Ibadov Ali Yusupovich (1923-1999); Associate Professor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Tulanov Abduvakhob Tulanovich (19 43 – 2003); doctor of medical sciences, professor Khoshimov Abdullah Khashimovich (1910-1986); Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Assistant Temirov Sultanrahmat (1938-2000); Candidate of Chemical Sciences Associate-professor Tillayev Karim Sadykovych (1921-1985); senior lecturer Inagamov Adil Muslimovich (1937-1999).

Associate-Professor Nuritdinov Anvar Ikbalovich (1936-2007) managed to grow in Uzbekistan against the disease of diabetes Stevia plant in the greenhouse, which germinates in Paraguay. He is the owner of several copyright certificates.

The institute held jubilees, for example, to the honored worker of sciences, Professor Rakhile Lvovna Khazanova, who turned 100 on October 9, 2006. From 1938 to 1982 she worked as the head of the department of pharmacognosy. She retired in 1992. Her master’s thesis was on the theme: “Pharmacognostic study of horse sorrel”, which was well defended in 1939. In 1955, she defended her doctoral dissertation on the theme: “Medicinal plants of Uzbekistan of laxative and astringent effect.” She was given a professorship in 1958. She studied 500 plants in Uzbekistan. Under her leadership defended 2 doctoral and 32 master’s theses. She is the author of one monograph and 160 scientific articles.

M.A. Azizov in 1961 received the honorary title of Honored inventor of Uzbekistan and in 1964 Honored Worker of Sciences of Uzbekistan. Azizov Mannon Azizovich in 2003 on May 1 was 90 years old. In 2013 he was100 years old. He prepared 25 candidates of sciences and 4 doctors of sciences. He is the author of two monographs and 22 scientific articles.

On December 15, 2005 Sultan Makhkamovich Mahkamov Spanish was 75 years old from the date of birth, and his social and educational activities 50 years. Under his leadership, 10 people defended the candidate’s and one doctoral thesis. S.M. Mahkamov publicated more than 200 scientific articles, 2 monographs, collections of short lectures on the types of tablets, technology of manufacture of finished tablets, three textbooks and teaching aid for practical training in two languages: Uzbek and Russian, he was awarded the Order of “Friendship of peoples” and badge “Excellence in Public Health”

From 1979 to 1981, vice-rector on educational work of the Tashkent pharmaceutical Institute was Erkin Khodzha, the son of Erkin Jura Khodzhi  (November 16, 1936 – 6 May 2006). Then from 1981 to 1983 he was the chief of the service of the pharmaceutical service in the Central Administration of the Central Asian Railway. In 1991, at the production commercial company named after Ibn Sina, and since 1996 the Head of private production and trading company “Farmco”.

In addition, the museum has a stand dedicated to the leaders of the institute. Of the 18 photographs of the directors-rectors, there are 16 photographs. The first director of the Institute was Edward Y. Shurpe (07.21.1937 – 30.09.1937). He organized a team of teaching staff, laboratory equipment in the years of his work were admitted 60-63 students (instead of 50).

22-year-old graduate student Yalkin Kholmatovich Turakulov was twice appointed the Director of this Institute (09/25/1939 – 26/06/1941, 04/01/1944 – 05. 12.1944). He was sent to the front of the Great Patriotic War, after defending his doctoral thesis in 1941, and after wounding, was reappointed to the post of Director of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute. His daughter  Feruza Gulyamova wrote a book about his father, “My father Yalkin Turakulov”. There is a documentary about him. Sahibor Damin  Nazyrovich (6.12.1944-13.05.1953) was engaged in poison snakes. When his first graduates after returning from the front got a real diploma of Pharmaceutical Institute. Azizov Mannon Azizovich (from February 1957 to June 22, 1970) put a lot of effort in the construction of the new building of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, and he organized and directed the Center for Problem-research laboratory. Khamid Kholmatovich Kholmatov (from 23 June 1970 to 10 February 1985) adopted a new building of the Institute and students wrote a lot of new textbooks and dictionaries on Pharmacognosy. Zakirov Uzuw Bokievich (from 15 March 1985 to 8 198). At Zakirov assistants candidates became an assistant professors. Toshmukhammedov Erkin Rakhimovich (provisionally from 23 May 1988, and since 1989 up to 25 January 1991) was rector of the Institute, he wrote and published the history of pharmacy of Uzbekistan (XIX – XX centuries). From July 22, 1991 to November 10, 2000 Sadulla Iskandarov was appointed. Two new directions opened in the institute: agroecology and biotechnology at the new faculty. Opened a special council on protection of master’s and doctoral dissertations, the testing center was opened and e     quipped with computers. By order №124 of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 30 March 20 01, was appointed Ahmadhozha Nigmanovich Yunuskhodzhaev. He was busy releasing staff and increasing the scientific potential of the Institute.

Since 1992, the journal “Chemistry and Pharmacy” began to appear. The museum has antique magazines, namely: magazine “Pharmaceuticals”, 1883, Journal of “pharmacist” 19 in ’17, “Pharmaceutical Chemistry” magazine in 1928, “Pharmacy” 1968, a textbook on the subject pharmacognosy 1900; 1911. “A brief tutorial on pharmacognosy and botany” Master of Pharmacy N.K. Ginter 1899, St. Petersburg; N.V. Vershin. Pharmacology,Tomsk 1933.

There is a separate corner dedicated to those graduates of the institute who later became the rectors of this institute: the first director from the graduates was V.N.Bernstein, then H.X. Kholmatov, E.Toshmukhamedov, S. Iskandarov, A.N. Yunuskhodzhaev. And there is an information and photos of the first opening of the Academic Lyceum of TashFarm Institute with its head – director Z. Osmanov. And also the albums of graduates (1-2 grades – 30 issues). Albums “network pharmacies”, “I –congress of pharmaceuticals of Uzbekistan” photoalbums of the department” Anatomy and physiology”, “Toxicology” programs of students’ conferences (№№56-62); the author’s abstracts of young scientists and doctors of sciences: М.А. Azizov, S. Makhkamov, T. Pulatova. there are some discs and a video recording of the professors’ lectures. Student of the 5th year Avaz Sharipov (born in the village of Afshana, in the same place where was born Ibn Sina in the Bukhara region) and at the “Spring of students” contest, in 2008, in Samarkand city, he took the first place and a cash prize of 150 thousand. With s mind for scientific work on the theme: “New ways of sulfur.”

On display set of medallions with the image of the great scientists – thinkers of Maverannahr: Ferghani, Khorazmi, Abu Ali Ibn Sino, Beruni, Amir Temur, Mirzo Ulugbek, Babur, Alisher Navoi.

It should be noted that the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute was established at the Department’s TashMI by order №155 of the People’s Commissar of Health Abdullayev in 1937 on 16 July. To the front were sent the directors and graduates: Director -YA.H. Turakulov, K.Kh. Tagirov, D.Sahibov, R.N. Rakhimov (major); graduates – G.M. Burnaev, K. Stepanova  and others.

At the top of the show-case in the museum are depicted the scenes how in ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome medicines were produced. In ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome and China, as well as in India, snake venom was used to treat sick people, because it was based on the preparation of an antidote. Brothers pharmacists Padua put forward the idea whether  that “as a single emblem of medicine should be to represent the snake with a cup” (E.D.Gribanov). To the question “What is poison?” Paracelsus answered: “Do you know what is poison? Everything is poison, nothing is devoid of virulence, and everything is a medicine, only a dose makes the substance a poison or medicine. “

In the museum there are title pages of “Canon of medical science” of Ibn Sina in Arabic, Latin; treatment of sick people by cauterization with the help of drugs; there is an image where it is shown how the spine is treated according to the book of Ibn Sina; there is a fragment of the book in Arabic, which depicts medicinal plants and information about them. In imperial times the territory of modern Uzbekistan were open pharmacy European model and the first head of the city pharmacy was appointed a graduate of the Imperial University of Tsarist Russia Ieronim Krauze. In this pharmacy locals prescription medications were given and free.  In 1880 he opens the first private pharmacy and manages it. In 1912, near the station, the pharmacist L.N. Cyperson opened his pharmacy. There is a photo of the door of his pharmacy. Krauser’s pharmacy bought Kabi LInsko.

There is a photograph of the delegates of the All-Union Congress of Apothecary, held in 1927 in Moscow. There is a picture, which depicts a congress of pharmacists of Fergana valley that took place in the town of Kokand in 1938. The photo of the organizers of pharmacy chains in Uzbekistan, as well as the organizers of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, is presented. A photo is displayed that shows how in the bazaar of  Urgench in 1911 the tabibs (doctors) sell their finished medicines and medicinal plants. There are dishes of Tabibs, which they used for the preparation of drugs: pot distillation to obtain essential oils of flowers and medicinal plants; dishes made of leather (like a jug), for storing vegetable oils; wooden and cast-iron mortars for grinding medicinal products and 22 herbarium medicinal plants. On the photo images are displayed how in the old days the methods of that time treated the sick people – prayer and Ina (using kinna cast out evil spirits). In the museum there are books of modern Tabib, as well as the magazine “Eastern medicine” and an article on the first Uzbek pharmacist of Uzbekistan Musakhanov Mirazimovich Mirazimov – Musa Muylov. I.I. Ibragimov is considered from 1931 to 1952 as one of the chiefs of state management of pharmacies. The first director of the chemical plant in Uzbekistan was S.I. Islambekov. The plant now bears his name.

The museum demonstrates the author’s certificates, etc. patents, medicines samples, opened by teachers-professors of the Institute. There is a vignette of the first graduates of the Institute. Among them are Elena (Kazanovsky) Puchenyan, she was born in 1917, went to college in 1937 and finished it in 1941, then from 1942 to 1978 until his retirement worked in the same institute, and defended candidate dissertation on the set of chemical sciences. Her classmate Giyazov Mukhtarovich Burnaev after graduation in 1941 went to the front, he returned to the rank of senior lieutenant and Order “Red Star”, get a real degree in 1945, then in Kagan Bukhara region worked so in 1950 as the head of the pharmacy. Next – managing pharmacies until 1955, after from 1960 in Tashkent the head of pharmacy №7 on Pushkin Street up to her death in its 1976 war with Claudius Stepanova came back with a lot of medals.

In the museum there is a document, which was based on a decree of Tsar Alexander III of, the document states that the pharmacist was allowed Alexander Filippovich Kaplan in 1892 to open his own pharmacy. The museum has a photo of his brother Alexander Georgy Filippovich Kaplan. He gave lessons in Tashfarmi (fotovinetka 1941). The museum has Sobirov brochures Rajab Sobirovich and his scientific report of Pharmaceutical Sciences. There are original documents of the General Administration of Pharmacies of Tashkent region of Aripov Nigmat. Khudoiberdiev Umarboy graduated from the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, then worked in a pharmacy, but then he worked in the laboratory of the Institute of Nuclear Physics, became a doctor of technical sciences.

The museum has gifts made by pharmacy executives from the city of Samarkand, Bukhara and Andijan region, and others, such as masters, teachers – these are vases, portrait carpets and other things. There is a bust of Ibn Sina. In general, the museum has interesting exhibits that will interest visitors to the museum. Welcome to the museum!

27.10.2018, 15:26   4535