A master class on the subject “Domestic Medicines” was held at the DITM department.

02.04.2019, 12:48 Institute news, News 2078

In order to fulfill the above tasks, the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PD-3151 dated July 27, 2017 “On measures to further expand the participation of industries and spheres of the economy in improving the quality of training specialists with higher education” at the Department of Industrial Technology of Medicines of the senior lecturer Sh.A. Mamasoliyeva, assistants N.S. Sadikova and Z.A. Zuparova held a master class on the subject “Domestic Medicines” for 3rd year students of the 304 and 305 groups with the participation of the head of the production department of the “Novopharmaplus” joint venture B.S. Zoirov.Head of the production department of the joint venture “Novopharmaplus” B.Soirov took part and introduced the students to the activities of the Novopharmaplus joint venture, production departments, the nomenclature of drugs produced at the enterprise and answered their questions.A video about the joint venture “Novopharmaplus” was presented.The master class was full of interesting debates, and the students were closely acquainted with the technological process of the enterprise.


DITM department